Contents (目次)
I Shipping (海運)
(1)Shipping Economics (海運経済)
(2)Shipping History (海事史)
(3)Vessel and Navigation (船舶・航海術)
(4)Others (その他)
III Transport (excludes Sea Transport) (交通:海運を除く)
IV Laws (法律)
(1)Maritime Law (海事法)
(2)International Law (国際法)
(3)Laws in General (法律一般)
V Insurance (保険)
(1)Theory and Practice (理論と実務)
(2)Law of Insurance (保険法)
I Shipping
(1) Shipping Economics
Alexandersson, G.& Norstrom, G.: World Shipping; an Economic Geography of Ports and Seaborne Trade, Uppsala, Sweden, 1963
Anderson, Robert Earl: The Merchant Marine and World Frontiers,New York, 1945
Astle, W. E.: Shipowners’ Cargo Liabilities and Immunities, London, 1951
Bacon, Roger S.: Payne’s Carriage of Goods by Sea, 3rd ed., London, 1925
es C.: North Atlantic Arena,Water Transport in the World Order, South Illinois, U.S., 1966
Colinvaux, Raoul P.: Carver; Carriage of Goods by Sea, lOth ed., London, 1957.
Constant, Benjamin: The Law Relating to the Mortgage of Ships, London, 1920
Course, A. G.: The Merchant Navy Today, Oxford University Press, 1956
Course, A. G. & Oram, R..B.: Glossary of Cargo-Handling terms, Glasgow, 1961
Cufley, C.F.H.: Ocean Freights and Chartering, London, 1962
Dover, Victor: The Shipping Industry; its Constitution and Practice, New York,1952
Fair, Marvin L.: Merchant Marine Policy, Maryland,1963
Ford, P.& Bound, J.A.: Coastwise Shipping and the Small Ports, Oxford,1951
Freuchen, Peter: Book of the Seven Seas, New York, 1957
Gibb,D.E.W.: Lloyd’s of London; a Study in lndividualism, New York, 1957
Graham, Gerald S.: Great Britain in the lndian Ocean, Oxford, 1967
Harbron, John D.: Communist Ships and Shipping, London, 1962
Hardy, A. C.:Oils Ships and Sea Transport, London, 1931
Hornell, James: Water Transport; Origins & Early Evolution, Cambridge University Press, 1946
Huebner, Grover G.: Ocean Steamship Traffic Management, New York & London, 1920
Japanese Shipowners’ Association: Review of Japanese Shipping, Tokyo,1971,1973,1974 and 1975
Jeans,J.Stephen.: Waterways and Water Transport, London
Johnson, Emory R.:Ocean and lnland Water Transportation, New York and London,1919
Jones, Grosvenor M.: Government Aid to Merchant Shipping,Washington 1916
Keilhau, Wilhelm: Norway and The Bergen Line, Bergen,1953
King G. A. B.: Tanker Practice; the Construction,Operation and Maintenance of Tankers, England,1956.
Lloyd’s: Lloyd’s lnstructions to Agents and their Surveyors, London,1903
London& India Docks Company: Table of Rates, Charges and Regulations; on Goods for Shipment, London,1906
Lubbock, Basil: The China Clippers,2nd ed., Glasgow,1914
National lndustria1 Conference Board, Inc.: The American Merchant Marine Problem, New York,1929
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai: Register of Ships 1967-68 , Tokyo,1967
OECD: Maritime Transport, Paris, yearly 1958,1960,1963-9,1973-6
O’ Loughlin, Carleen: The Economics of Sea Transport, 1st ed., London, 1967
Patterson, J.E.: A War-Time Voyage, London,1918
Paul, Robert B.: Shipping Business Methods, London,1927
Radius, Walter A.: United States Shipping in Transpacific Trade 1922-1938, Stanford University Press, California
Rickman, W. G.: The Shipping Seasons of the World’s Produce, 1st ed., London,1930
Riesenberg, Felix: Vignettes of the Sea, New York, 1926
Roy,J.K,: An Analysis of Carver’s Carriage of Goods by Sea, London,1913
Shipping Gazette: The Fiscal Question and the Shipping lnterest, London,1904
Smith, J. Russel l: The Ocean Carrier, New York, Chicago & London, 1908
Smith, J. Russel l: The Organization of Ocean Commerce, Philadelphia, 1905
Stewart, Colin: Merchant Ships ,British Bui1t 1952, Southampton, 1953
Stretch, George W.: Chartering of Ships, Vol.II , New York,1953
Thornton, R、 H,: British Shipping, Cambridge, 1945, 1959(2nd ed.)
Todd, John A.: The Shipping World, London, 1929
Tokyo News Service: Shipping & Trade News: Shipping Guide in Japan, Tokyo, 1954
Tokyo News Service: Shipping & Trade News: Japan Shipping Guide, 1956-7
Torr, Ceil: Ancient Ships, Chicago, 1964
U. S. Department of Commerce: Annual Report of the Federal Maritime Board and Maritime Administration 1956, Washington D. C, 1956
Vi1la, Dino S.: Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States, 1946-1963, Washington D. C.,1965
(2)Shipping History
Authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty: Manual of Seamanship,Vol.I, London,1908 (revised & reprinted,1915)
Bishop, Farnham: The Story of the Submarine, New York,1916
Boxer, C, R、: The Portuguese Seaborne Empire 1415-1825, London,1969
Buwditch, Nathaniel: Amerlcan Practical Navigator, Washington, 1943
Casson, Lionel: The Ancient Mariners; Seafarers and Sea Fighters of the Mediterranean in Ancient Times, London,1950
Ford, A. G.: Handling and Stowage of Cargo,2nd ed., Scranton, Pennsylvania,1944
French, Joseph L.: Great Sea Stories, New York, 1945
Froude, James Anthony: English Seaman in the Sixteenth Century, New York,1895 & 1900
Garoche Pierre: Stowage Handling and Transport of Ship Cargoes, New York, 1949
Jensen, Vernon H.: Hiring of Dock Workers, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,1964
Laboyteaux, W. H.: Handbook for Masters, New York, 1919
Marcus, G.J.: A Naval History of England l; the Formative Centuries, 1st published, London and Tonbridge,1961
Pacific Shipper lnc.: Pacific Shipper’s Coast Marine Directory, San Francisco 1952
Stephens, H. Morse & Bolton, Herbert E.: The Pacific Ocean in History,New York,1917
Tait,James: Tai’s New Seamanship, 8th ed., Glasgow, 1914
Turpin, Edward A.& Mac Ewen, William A.: Merchant Marine Officers’ Handbook ,Maryland, 1950
Voss, J.C.: Venturesome Voyages of Capt.Voss, Yokohama,1913
WalkerT.P.(Revised and Enlarged): Captain Alston’s Seamanship, 3rd ed., Portsmouth,1894
Ward, Lock & Co.,Ltd.:Our Soldiers and Sailors,the Empire’s Defenders in War and Peace, London.
Yamagata, Katsumi: Ten Years of Wind and Snow(「風雪十年」英訳), Tokyo,1965
(3)Vessel and Navigation
Adlard Coles Ltd.: Merchant Ships; World Built Vessels of 1000 Tons Gross and over Completed in 1954, Southanmpton,1955
Adlard Coles Ltd.: Merchant Ships; World Built Vessels of 1000 Tons Gross and over Completed in 1956, Southampton,1957
American Bureau of Shipping: Rules for the Building and Classing Steel Vessels, New York,1959
American Bureau of Shipping: Record of American Bureau of Shipping, New York,1953
Amer ican Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association Inc. ;Extracts from By-Law’s List of Vessels Entered, New York,1922
Attwood, Edward L.& Pengelly, Herbert: Theoretical Naval Architecture, new ed., London, New York and Toronto,1931
Baker, G.S.: Ship Form, Resistance and Screw Propulsion, London,1915
Barnaby, K.C.: The lnstitution of Naval Architects 1860-1960, London,1960
Barnaby, S.W.: Marine Propellers, 6th revised ed., London, 1921
Boxer,C.R.: The Great Ship from Amacon; Annals of Macao and the Old Japan Trade 1555-1640, Lisboa,1963
Brassey, Earl: The “Sunbeam”,, R.Y.S… Voyage and Experiences in Many Waters, London,1918
Braynard, Frank O.: Famous American Ships, New York, 1956
British Corporation for the Survey and Registry of Shipping : Register of Vessels 1890-1920, Glasgow
British Corporation for the Survey and Register of Shipping: Rules and Tables of Scantlings and Registry of Vessels,1905-1906, Glasgow, 1907
Bureau Veritas: International Register for the Classification of Shipping and Aircraft, Paris,1957
Bureau Veritas: Rules and Regulations for the Building and Classification of Steel Vessels, Paris,1951
Bureau Veritas: International Register of Shipping 1906, London
Burton, Francis G.: Engineers’ Shipbuilders’ Accounts, Vol.XIV, London,1902
Clark, Carl H.: Marine Gas Engines, 2nd ed., New York, 1919
Donnelly, Ivon A.: Chinese Junks and Other Native Craft, Shanghai,1924
Durand, William F.: The Resistance and Propulsion of ships,1st ed., New York, 1898
Dyson, Charles W.: Screw Propellers, 3rd ed., New York,1924
Foster, Frank: Steam Turbines and Turbo-Compressors, Manchester
Golding, Harry: The Wonder Book of Ships for Boys and Girls, 7th ed.,London
Gronvold, Gunner M.: Panama and Greek Ships for Shipowners, Shipbrokers and Everybody in the Shipping, Oslo,1953
Hillcoat, Chas. H,: Notes on the Stowage of Ships, 3rd ed., London, 1914
His Majesty’s Stationery Office: Reports from His Majesty’s Representatives Abroad Respecting Bounties on Shipbuilding,& Co., London,1901
Hobart, H. M.: The Electric Propulsion of Ships, London, 1911
International Insurance Monitor: Nuclear Risk in Ocean Transport and its lnsurability…Paper Read at the Forum on Ocean Transport of Radioactive Materials,1962, New York, 1962
Iwao, Yoshitoshi: Diesel Engine Practice, Kaijikyoiku Shinkokai,1930
J.Jamieson, Andrew: A Text-Book on Steam and Steam Engines, Including Turbines and Boilers, 14th ed. London, 1904
J.Jamieson, Andrew: Elementary Manual on Steam and the Steam Engine, 9th ed. London,1902
Johnson, T.M.: Ship Wiring and Fitting, London,1911
King, James Foster: Classification, Tokyo,1921
Lawson, Will: Pacific Steamers, Glasgow,1927
Lecky, S.T. S.: Wrinkles in Practical Navigation, 17th ed., London,1915
Leeming, Joseph: Modern Ship Stowage, Washington,1942
Lewis, Charles Lee: Famous American Marines, Boston,1950
Liversidge, John G.: Engine-Room Practice,A Handbook for the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine,.11th ed., London,1923
Matsunami, N.: Immunity of State Ships, London, 1924
Maujer,A.R.& Bromley, Charles H.: Fuel Economy in Boiler Rooms, 2nd ed., London,1918
Mitsubishi Heavy lndustries, Reorganized,Ltd.: No.846,Kobe Shipyard & Engine Works, Ship Hull Specification of a Steel Single Screw Cargo Motor Vessel, Tokyo.,1952
Morrison,J.S.& William,R.T,: Greek Oared Ships 900-322 B. C, Cambridge,1968
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai: Register of Ships ,Tokyo, 1951,1952,1955,1968-69,1970-71
OECD: The Situation in the Shipbuilding Industry, Paris,1965
Parkinson, J. R.: The Economics of Shipbuilding in the United Kingdom, Cambridge,1960
Paul,J.H.: Boiler Chemistry and Free Water Supp1ies, London,1919
Pollock, David: The Shipbuilding lndustry, London,1905
Ricardo, Harry R.: The lnternal-Combustion Engine; Vol. 1 Slow-Speed Engines, London,1922.
Riesenberg, Felix: The Men on Deck, Master, Mates and Crew, Their Duties and Responsibilities , New York,1918
Ripper, William: Steam-Engine Theory and Pract ice, new ed., London,1901
Seaton, A.E.: A Manual of Marine Engineering,18th ed., London,1918
Sennett, Richard & Oram, Henry J.: The Marine Steam Engine, new ed., London,1899
Shosen Gakko: The Plates and Diagrams for Navigation Class, Tokyo, 1913
Silburn, P. A,: The Evolution of Sea-Power, New York,1912
Sothern, J.W.M.:Oil Fuel Burning in Marine Practice, Glasgow,1920
Thurston, R, H.: A Manual of Steam-Boilers,7th ed., New York,1907
United Nations: Comparative Study of Various Types of Marine Engines, Bangkok,1954
United States Coast Guard: Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles on Board Vessels, Washington,1954
Wade, Chas. F.: Efficient Boiler Management, London,1919
Walker, Syaney F.: Electric Lighting for Marine Engineers,4th ed., London,1906
Walton, Thomas: Know Your Own Ship,13th ed., London,1916
American Bureau of Shipping: The Bulletin, monthly 3,6,7,8,11, 1953, 2-5,7-12,1954, 2-7, 9-12,1955, 8-12,1956,1-11,1957
Ansted, A,: A Dictionary of Sea Terms, Glasgow,1956
Baltic and lnternational Maritime Conference: Annual Report 1960-61, Copenhagen,1961
Chadwick, Weir & Cia Ltd.: The Mar Year Book, Buenos Aires,1959,1955 and 1951
Charwick, Weir S. R.L.: The Mar Year Book,yearly ,Buenos Aires, 1951,1952,1953,1958,1959 and 1964/65
Chamber of Shipping of The United Kingdom: Annual Report, London, 1952-53 and 1958-59
British Shipowners Association: Annual Report for the Year Ended 31st December 1950, London, 1950
Goldingham, C, S.: Dictionary of Modern Naval Technical Terms, London, 1914
Government Printing Office: First Annual Report of the United States Shipping Board, New York, 1917
Her Majesty’s Stationery Office: A Seaman’s Pocketbook, reprinted London,1953
His Majesty’s Stationery Office: Report on the Work of the lmperial
Shipping Committee 1920 to 1922, London, 1923
Holman, H.: A Handy Book for Shipowners& Masters, 7th ed.(1911),9th ed.(1915) and 10th ed.(1921), London
Hurd, Archibald: The Shipping World Year Book & Who’s Who 1952-53, New York, 1952
International Maritime Committee: Copenhagen Conference May 1913, Antwerp, 1913
International Maritime Committee: Paris Conference October 1911, Antwerp,1912
International Maritime Committee: Bremen Conference September 1909, Antwerp, 1911
International Maritime Committee: Liverpool Conference June 1905, Antwerp, 1905
International Maritime Committee: Amsterdam Conference September 1904, Antwerp, 1905
International Maritime Committee: Hamburg Conference September 1902, Antwerp,1904
International Maritime Committee: Gothenburg Conference, Bulletin No.58-64, Antwerp,1923
International Maritime Committee: London Conference October 1922, Bulletin No.57 Antwerp(1923) and No.49~56(Except 50 Antwerp 1922). International Maritime Committee : Antwerp Conference July 1921, Bulletin No.47,1921
Japan Shipping Exchange,Inc.: The Bulletin of the Japan Shipping Exchange, Inc., No.2, Tokyo,1965
Kerchove, Rene de: International Maritime Dictionary,3rd printing, Toronto,New York and London,1951.& 2nd ed.,1961
Layton, C.W.T.: Dictionary of Nautical Words and Terms, Glasgow 1955
Lloyd’s: Lloyd’s Calender, London,1905~04,1925~22,1927~28,1938,1950, 1952~55, 1958 and 1971
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping: Annual Report for the Year 1962, Crawley,1962
Mason, Herbert B.: Encyclopaedia of Ships and Shipping, London,1908
Maxwe11, Donald: The Shipping World Year Book& Who’s Who 1961, London, 1961
Stone Manganese Marine Ltd.: Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders & Marine Engineers 1968, London, 1968
Vaidya, K.B.: Kaybee’s Indian Shipp ing Annual 1951; the Ports Number, Bombay,1951
II Ports and Harbors
Barrett, John: Panama Canal: What it is, What it means, Washington D.C.,1913
Bown, A.H.J. & Dove,C.A. revised by Tooth,E.S.: Port Operation and Administration, London, 1960
Cunningham, Brysson: Port Studies, New York,1929
Gilmour, S.Carter: Ports Dues and Charges on Shipping through out the World, London,1951
Hampton Roads Maritime Association: The Ports of Greater Hampton Roads Annual,1962 Norfolk, Virginia
Hurd, Archibald: Ports of the World,4th ed.1950, London, 1950
Hurd.Archibald: Ports of the World,9th ed.1955, London, 1955
International Association of Ports and Harbors: Report of Business Proceedings 2nd Triennial Conference, Mexico,1959
International Association of Ports and Harbors: Marine Terminal Charge at Leading Ports of Japan 1958-59, Tokyo,1958
Ports & Harbor Bureau, Ministry of Transportation: Principal Ports in Japan, Port & Harbor Association, Tokyo,1952
Johnson, Emory R.: Panama Canal Traff ic and Tolls, Washington,1912
Johnson, Willis Fletcher: Four Centuries of the Panama Canal, London,1906
Kok, A.H.: Hans Gade’s European Harbour Pilot, 8th ed.,Denmark, 1952
Lederer, Eugene H.: Port Terminal Operation, New York,1945
MacElwee, Roy S.: Ports and Terminal Facilities, New York,London, 1918
MacElwee, Roy S.& Taylor,Thomas R.: Wharf Management, Stevedoring and Storage, New York,1921
Wallace,Frederick William & Muir, Allan Thomson: Canadian Ports and Seaway Directory, 20th ed. Gardenvale, Canada,1964
Myhre, J.F.: Myhre’s Handbook of Baltic and White Sea Loading Ports 1953-54,11th revised, Copenhagen, 1954
Oram, R.B.: Cargo Handling and the Modern Port, London,1965
Oram, R.B.: Elements of Cargo Handling, London,1959
Owen, Douglas: Ports and Docks, London,1904
Panama Canal Executive Office: Rules and Regulations Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent Waters, Washington,D.C.,1947
Potts, W.J.: Turnbull’s Dock and Port Charges for the United Kingdom of Great Britain, 10th ed., England
Randier, Jean: Men and Ships around Cape Horn 1616-1939, London,1968
Smith, Darrell Hevenor: The Panama Canal; its History, Activities and Organization, Baltimore, Maryland, 1927
Taylor, L.G.& Trim, F.H.: Cargo Work,3rd ed., Glasgow,1949
Terminal Publishing Company: Terminal Facilities of North Pacific Ports,Seattle,1914
Thoman, Richard S.: Free Ports and Foreign-Trade Zones, Cambrige,1956
Thompson, A.G.: Port of London Guide, London,1957
War Dept. Corps of Engineers,U.S.Army: The Ports of Los Angeles and LongBeach, Calif., Washington, 1947
Wallis-Tayler, A.J.: Refrigeration Cold Storage and Ice-Making,6th ed., London, 1920
WM.Brown, Atkinson & Co. Ltd.: Hull Port Charges, Hull, UK
III Transport (excludes Sea Transport)
Bonavia, Michael R.: The Economics of Transport, Cambridge,reprinted,1949
Chinitz, Benjamin: Freight and the Metropolis; the Impact of America’s Transport Revolution on the New York Region, 1960
Dyos, H.J.& Aldcroft,D.H.: British Transport; An Economic Survey from the Seventeenth Century to the Twentieth, Leicester University Press,1969
Fair, Marvin L.: Coordinated Transportation Problems and Requirements, Cambridge,1969
Fulda, Carl H.: Competition in the Regulated Industries, Transportation, Boston and Toronto,1961
The General Secretariat of the International Telecommunication Union: List of Special Service Stations,16th ed., Geneva,1958
Griffin, C.S.: Synopsis of a Course of Lectures on”Transportation and Communication”, Tokyo,1900
Jenkins, Gilmour: The Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, London,1959
Johnson, Emory R.: American Railway Transportation, 2nd ed., New York,1910
Johnson, Emory R.: Elements of Transportation, New York & London,1909
Lissenden, Geo. B.: Industrial Traffic Management,2nd ed., London,1921
Mairet, G: Trade, Transport and Finance, London,1923
OECD: Fifth lnternational Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics; Transport in the 1980-1990 Decade,Vol 1&2, Paris,1974
Ripley, William Z.: Railroads Rates and Regulation, New York,1927
Ruppenthal Karl M: Issues in Transportation Economics, Columbus,Ohio,1965
Ruppenthal,Karl M: Challenge to Transportation, California,1961
Sampson, Roy J.& Farris, Martin T.: Domestic Transportation; Practice Theory and Policy, 2nd ed., Boston,1971
Sletmo, Gunnar K.: Demand for Air Cargo, An Econometric Approach Bergen,1972
Stocker, H.E.: Motor Traffic Management, revised ed., NewYork,1949
Williams, Ernest W.Jr.: The Future of American Transportation, Columbia University,1971
IV Laws
(1) Maritime Law
Arnold, W.: The Maritime Code of the German Empire, London,1900
Association of Average Adjusters of the United States: Report of the Annual Meeting,1909, New York
Association of Average Adjusters of the United States: Report of adjourned Meeting, Yearly 1885, New York
Association of Average Adjusters of the United States: Report of the Regular Stated Meeting, yearly 1913~38, New York
Association of Average Adjusters of the United States: Report of the Special Meeting,1880,1881 and 1885, New York, Report of the
Autumn General Meeting, London, 1926 and 1928
Association of Average Adjusters: Report Vol. Ⅰ~Ⅲ,Ⅴ~Ⅸ yearly 1872~92,1898~1920, London
Assoc iation of Average Adjusters: Report of the General Meeting Held in London, yearly 1926,1932,1933,1934, London
Baily, Laurence R.: General Average, and the Losses and Expenses Resulting from General Average Acts, 1856, London
Bisschop, W、 R、: General Average and the York-Antwerp Rules 1924, 2nd ed.,1925, London
Bowles, Thomas Gibson: Sea Law and Sea Power, London,1910
Canfield, George L. Dalzell, George W.& Brinton, Jasper Yeates: The Law of the Sea, London,1921
Carver, Thomas Gi lbert: A Treat ise on the Law relating to the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 6th ed., London, 1918
Carver, Thomas Gilbert & Wright, Robert Alderson: A Treatise; on the Law relating to the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 5th ed., London,1909
Cole, Sanford D.: The Hague Rules Explained Being the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924, London,1925
Cole, Sanford D.: The Law of Charters and Bills of Lading Shortly Explained, London,1925
Cole, Sanford D.: The Stockholm Conference on General Average and the York-Antwerp Rules 1924, with Notes, London,1925
Commissioner of Navigation to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor: : Laws of the United States relating to Navigation and the Merchant Marine, Washington,1907
Congdon, Ernest W.: General Average Principles and Practice in the United States of America ,2nd ed., New York,1923
Congdon, Ernest W.: General Average Principles and Practice in the United States of America, New York,1913
deForest Lord,George : Cases on the Law of Admiralty, St,Paul,1926
Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation: Navigat ion Laws of the United States 1911(published in 1911) and 1919(published in 1920) , Washington D.C.
Dixon, Francis B.: A Practical Treatise on the Adjustment of General Average New York,1867
Donaldson,J.F.& Ellis, C.T,: Lowndes& Rudolf’s Law of General Average and the York-AIptweerp Rules,8th ed., London, 1955
Dowdall, Harold Chaloner: Suggestions for the Codification of General Average London,1895
Duckworth, Lawrence: An Encyclopaedia of Marine Law, London,1907
Duckworth, Lawrence: The Principles of Marine Law,3rd ed., London
Duckworth, Lawrence: The Law Affecting General and Particular Average 2nd ed., 1920
Government of India Ministry of Law: The Sea Customs Act 1878, Delhi,1951
Griffin, John Wheeler: The American Law of Collision, Baltimore,1949
Hannen, James C.& Pritchard, W. Tarn: Pritchards, Digest of Admiralty and Maritime Law, 3rd ed., Vol I and Ⅱ, London,1887
His Majesty’s Stationery Office: Convention and Statute on Freedom ofTransit, London,1923
Hopkins, Manley: A Handbook of Average,4th ed., London,1884
Hughes, Robert M.: Handbook of Admitalty Law, 2nd ed., St. Paul,1920
International Law Association: Report on the Law of General Average, Liverpool,1912
International Law Association: Report of a Special Committee on the Existing Law of General Average, Paris,1912
Jackson, Andrew Eric: How the Hague Rules affect Merchants, London,1921
Kennedy, A.R.: A Treatise on the Law of Civil Salvage, 2nd ed., London,1907
Lowndes,Richard , de Hart, Edward L. & Rudolf, George Rupert : The law of General Average,5th ed.,London,1912
Lowndes,Richard , de Hart, Edward L & Rudolf, George Rupert : The law of General Average,6th ed., London,1922
Maclachlan, David , de Hart, Edward L & Bucknill, Alfled T: A Treatise on the Law of Merchant Shipping ,5th ed., London,1911
Maclachlan, David: Arnould on the Law of Marine lnsurance, 3rd ed.,Vol.1 (1866) and 4th ed., Vol.1-2 (1872) , London
Marsden, R.G.& Gibb, Andrew Dewar: A Treatise on the Law of Collisions at Sea,8th ed., London,1923
Maude, Frederlc Philip & Pollock, Charles Edward: A Compendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping,3rd ed., London,1864
Maude, E.P.& Pollock, C.E.: A Compendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping, 4th ed. Vol 1~2, London, 1881
Muir, Charles W.& Divis, R. Unwin: Lloyd, s List Law Reports, Digest, Volumes 1~10, London,1924
Muir, Charles W.& Davis, R. Unwin: Lloyd’s List Law Reports, Digest, No.3 Volumes 21~30, London,1929
Niles, Emory H.& Knauth, Arnold W.: American Maritime Cases, International Maritime Convention 1922, Index & Vol.1,No.1~11(1923) , No.1~11(1925), No.1,2,4~8 and 11(1926), No.1 and 2(1927) , Baltimore.
Parsons, Theophilus: A Treatise on the Law of Shipping and the Law and Practice of Admiralty, Vol.Ⅰand Ⅱ, Boston,1869
Parsons, Theophilus: A Treatise on Maritime Law, Vol.l~2, Boston,1859
Ridley, Jasper: The Law of the Carriage of Goods by Land, Sea and Air, London,1957
Roche, W.Mills :Oliver’s Shipping Law Manual,7th ed., London,1908
Roscoe, Edward Stanley & Robertson, H.M. etc.: Roscoe on the Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice,4th ed., London,1920
Rudolf, George Rupert: The York-Antweerp Rules; Their History and Development with Comments on the Rules of 1924, London,1926
Saunders, Albert: Maritime Law,2nd enlargeded., London,1910
Saunders, Albert: Maritime Law,2nd enlargeded., London,1920
Saunders, Albert: The Master Mariner’s Legal Guide, London,1904
Sieveking, Alfred: The German Law relating to the Carriage of Goods by Sea,London,1907
Smith, David Wright: The Law relating to the Rule of the Road at Sea, Glasgow,1911
Sprague, George C.& Healy, Nicholas J.: Cases on the Law of Admiralty, St.Paul, MINN,1950
Stevens, Robert: An Essay on Average, 3rd ed., London 1817
Temperley, Robert: The Merchant Shipping Acts, 3rd ed., London,1922
Temperley, Robert: Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924, London,1925
Temperley, Robert: Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924, 3rd ed., London, 1927
Tenterden, Charles, Lord: A Treatise of the Law relating to Merchant Shipsand Seaman, 11th ed., London 1867
Thompson,G.H. Main:Out 1 ine of the Law relating to Bills of Lading, London,1925
U.S.Government Printing Office: The Code of Federal Regulations Title 46-Shipping Parts 146 to 149, Washington,1960
Van Santvoord, Cornelius : Limitation of the Liability of Shipowners, New York,1887
Wendt, Ernest Emil: Papers on Marit ime Legislation with a Translation of the German Mercantile Laws, 3rd ed., London and New York,1888
Wheeler, Everett P.: The Modern Law of Carriers, New York,1890
Wollaston, H.N.P.: The Marine Act 1890 and Regulations thereunder, with Notes, Melbourne
(2) International Law
Bewes, Wyndham A.: Transact ions of the lnternational Law Associat ion 1873-1924, London,1925
Hall, William Edward: Treatise of lnternational Law 4th ed., Tokyo,1896
International Law Association: Report of the 22nd Conference held at Christiania 1905, London,1906
International Chamber of Commerce: International Commercial Arbitration and the Convention of New York, Par is,1960
International Chamber of Commerce: Rules of Conci1iation and Arbi trat ion Paris, 1932
International Law Association: Report of the 39th Conference, held at Paris 1936, 1937
International Law Association: Report of the 38th Conference, held at Budapest1934, England, 1935
International Law Association: Report of the 37th Conference, held at Oxford, England,1933
Internat ional Law Associat ion: Report of the 36th Conference, held at New York 1930, London,1931
International Law Association: Report of the 35th Conference, held at Warsaw 1928, London,1929
International Law Association: Report of the 34th Conference,held at Vienna 1926, London,1927
International Law Association: Report of the 32nd Conference, held at London 1923 London,1924
International Law Association: Report of the 31st Conference,held at Buenos Aires 1922, VoL I, Ⅱ, London, 1922, 1923
International Law Association: Report of the 30th Conference held at the Hague, Vol.1,2, London,1922
International Law Association: Report of the 29th Conference held at Portmouth 1920, London, 1920
International Chamber of Commerce: Guide to lCC Arbitration, Paris,1963
Meili, F.: International Civil and Commercial Law as founded upon Theory, Legislation and Practice, New York.1905
Murton, Walter: Wreck Inquiries, The Law and Practice relating to Formal Investigations in the United Kingdom, British Possession, London,1884
Proehl, Paul 0.: Legal Problems of lnternational Trade, Urbana,1959
Westlake, John: A Treatise on Private lnternational Law, 3rd ed., London,1890
(3)Laws in General
Anson, William R.: Principles of the English Law of Contract and of Agency in its Relation to Contract,7th ed., Tokyo,1896
Ashley, Clarence D.: The Law of Contracts, Boston,1911
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V Insurance
(1)Theoryand Practice
Braidwood John S: Fire its Prevention and Extinguishing, Edinburgh, 1904
Buckley,T.J.W.: The Post Magazine Almanack, the lnsurance Directory, Reference and Year book, London,1903 and 1906
Carey, F.H.: Marine lnsurance; A Series of Lectures., Lloyd’s List, London,1921
Chapman, Robert: The Agency System of lnsurance Companies, London,1907
Clarus: Notes on Marine lnsurance Practice, London,1932
Cox, Charles: How and Where to lnsure, London, 1902
Crobaugh, Clyde J.: Handbook of Insurance, New York,1931
Dick, Browning: A Handy Guide to Marine lnsurance; The Journal of Commerce,Liverpool,1931
Dover, Victor: A Handbook to Marine lnsurance, 1st ed.(1922),2nd ed.(1924),3rd ed.(1929) and 4th(1936),London
Eke, J. Alfred: The Principles of lnsurance and their Application, London,1924
Elderton, William P.: The Impossibility War Risk lnsurance, Cambridge,1938
Found, W.E.: Notes on Marine Underwriting, London
George, David Lloyd: The People’s Insurance, London, New York and Toronto,1912
Gow, William: Marine lnsurance; a Handbook, London,1917
Gregg, Davis W. & McGill, Dan M.: World Insurance Trends, Philadelphia,1957
Henderson, John & Matthews, J. E.: Profits Insurance, Edinburgh and London,1923
State of New York: Forty Fifth Annual Report of the Superintendent of
Insurance of the State of New York, Albany,1904
Hopkins, Manley: A Manual of Marine lnsurance, London,1867
Huebner, So1omon S.: Mar ine lnsurance, New York and London,1920
Huebner S.S.: Report on Status of Marine lnsurance in the United States,
Huebner S.S.: Report on Legislative Obstructions to the Deve1opment of
Marine lnsurance in the United States, Washington Government Office,1920
Huebner S.S.: Property lnsurance, new ed., New York and London,1927
Huebner, Solomon S.: Life lnsurance; Textbook, New York and London,1927
Institute of London Underwriters: Institute Handbook on Marine Contracts,
Ishida, Yuroku: War Time Marine lnsurance System of Japan, Tokyo,1969
Keate, Henry: The Student’s Guide to Marine lnsurance, London
Kitchin, F. Harcourt: Bourne’s lnsurance Directory, New Series, London, 1903
Kitchin, F. Harcourt: The Principles and Finance of Fire lnsurance, London,
Lay, H.G.: Marine lnsurance; a Textbook of the History of Marine lnsurance
including the Funct ions of LloYd, s Register of Shipping, London,1925
Lindley, Harold W. & Saunders, Sidney J.: A Guide to Marine lnsurance Claims,London,1936
Lloyd’s List: Marine lnsurance and Kindred Subjects; a Series of Lectures,
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Michelbacher, G.F.: Multiple-Line lnsurance, New York, Toronto and London,
Moore, Francis C.: Fire Insurance and How to Build, New York,1903 (two books)
Mowbray, Albert H.& Blanchard, Ralph H.: Insurance; its Theory and Practice in the United States, 4th ed., New York,Toronto and London, 1955
Poole, Frederick W. S.: The Marine Insurance of Goods, London,1928
RidleY, Kubler, W.G. : The Common Hazards of Fire Insurance, London,1922
Riegel, Robert& Loman, H.J.: Insurance Principles and Practices, 3rd ed.,
New York,1923
Sneath A.W.: Insurance: a Glance at its Principles and Practice,
The Social Insurance Agency Japanese government :Outline of the Social Insurance in Japan ,Japan,1968
Spicer, Ernest Evan & Pegler, Ernest C.: Underwriter’s Accounts, 2nd ed., London,1910
Stone & Cox, Ltd.: Stone & Cox Fire and Marine Year Book, 1923-24, London,1924
Tasaki, Shinji: Right of Underwriters Who have settled Claims for General
Average Sacrifice as Direct Liability, Kobe,1923
Templeman, Frederick : Marine lnsurance; its Principles & Practice, London,1903
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Templeman, Frederick & Greenacre,C.T.: Marine lnsurance; its Principles and Practice, London,1934
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Whitherby & Co.: Second Supplement to the Student’s Pocket Edition of
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Winter, William D.: Marine Insurance; its Principles and Practice, 1st ed.,
New York,1919
Young, T.E.: Insurance; a Practical Exposition for the Student and BusinessMan, 3rd ed., London,1903
(2)Law of Insurance
Arnould, Joseph: A Treatise on the Law of Marine lnsurance and Average, Vol Ⅰ,Ⅱ, London, 1848
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